ill-list- The official mint for ill-listers will go live Tuesday, April 5, 2022 5:00 PM, where ill-listers will have 24 hours to mint and each member of the ill-list will be able to mint 2 llogics each!

ill-reserve- The official mint for the ill-reserve will go live Wednesday, April 6, 2022 7:00 PM. DISCLAIMER if the ill-list sells out 100%, there will not be an ill-reserve mint. ill-reserve will be allowed to mint one illogic per wallet address.

Explaining the ill-reserve. What does it mean? It means you still have a shot of minting an illogic if our ill-list does not 100% sell out. The remaining supply will go to the ill-reserve. It will be a first come first serve. Similar to a public sale, just much less people and bots fighting to grab one. Each member of the ill-reserve will be able to mint 1 illogic each, from the remaining supply of ill-list members who didn't mint. DISCLAIMER the ill-reserve does not guarantee you an illogic. If the collection does 100% mint out via ill-list roles, there will be no ill-reserve sale.
